Saturday, September 18, 2010

Whooping Crane Festival!!

Ok, so it's not Sandy the Sandhill Crane, but Prairie Chicken was definitely awesome. She kept approaching people and calling to them. Then she'd turn around and shake her tail feathers in people's faces.

The whooping crane festival was definitely fun. There was a lot of information and lots of local vendors. Kari, Aubrey, and I took the Cranberry Marsh tour. We were allowed to get off the bus and stand in the cranberry field, which was cool. Even cooler, they encouraged us to pick some cranberries off the bushes and taste them. If you can imagine me squirreling away enough cranberries to give to the chicks in my pockets, then touring around the rest of the day trying not to squish that pocket you'd have a pretty good grasp of how I spent the tour.

The Lyon's Club brews a very special beer called Whooper Brew. It is only available during the Whooping Crane Festival. It was alright. I'd buy it again if I was still around next year.

After enjoying a relaxing mid-day at the festival I went back to work with the chicks in the evening. That evening we did our very last PM socialization taking care to divvy out the cranberry cache as fairly as possible.

It was a relaxed, peaceful day. Fall is in the air.

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