Thursday, April 12, 2012


If you are just joining me, welcome to my blog.

This blog recorded my journey as I raised highly-endangered whooping cranes from hatchlings to adulthood. When the chicks were grown up, I and the International Crane Foundation released the whooping cranes into the wild! After that, I tracked cranes for another year. This was an unbelievable adventure.

I experienced cloud-soaring highs: when the chicks flew for the first time or when they migrated for the first time.

I experienced soul-cutting lows: when our oldest (therefor favorite) juvenile was killed by a hawk a mere week before migrating.

and I had amazing new experiences: when I interviewed with the NHK (Japanese equivalent to the BBC) or when I incredulously discovered a non North American Crane migrating in the US Eastern Flyway.

Please enjoy my blog, but I recommend you start from the beginning. It will make more sense if you start in May, 2010 and progress forward through time. Links are in the sidebar. Here is my very first entry.

Thank you for joining me!
