Thursday, September 1, 2011

Picture Dump

 Things I've Seen

Pelicans (Lots of Pelicans)

Goslings! with cute baby bottoms



Cranes Being Cranes

12-05 and 22-07 just sitting. lazy cranes.

27-10 (Feta) my beautiful girl

W1-10 stuffing herself silly while the flowage is drained.
Cranes Reproducing

Male standing over female while she is trying to lay an egg

46-07 sitting tight on nest on a very smokey day (controlled burn nearby)

Crane Momma and baby

Out of the Field, Into the Office

So I bet you are wondering what I've been up to to keep me away from my blog for so long...

Office work! Yes, I've been sitting at a computer for the past four weeks working in the office on nominally interesting topics such as Database, Historical Data, and Data Entry.

I feel uninspired to write about these things, so I'm sorry I've left you in the dark for so long.

Here's the good news: I've been working so hard at switching all the historical data from the old database format to the new database format that it's all about to pay off. We have 10 years of tracking data in the old database. 10 years of migrations. 10 years of molts. 10 years of nesting seasons. 10 years of juvenile releases. All of that information is now readily available to everyone involved in the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership. This means that we can write new papers, evaluate how the project has progressed, and determine where we should be channeling our energy in the future.

I'm pretty proud of the work I've done so far.

Now I'm ready to work on a study of my own.

And I can, now.

Because my contract has been extended through December. :D

(I've also been working with Sandhill Cranes and Trumpeter Swans)